Cathartic Realizations and Emotional Reparations… The Crisis of Reason for The Black Being

Published on 21 May 2024 at 08:10

Given the history of the Black Being, there is a need to address the pain off of which society has been feeding. 


Its history is full of trauma, negation, and neglect. This is the reason for its deep rooted mental unrest. 


The denial of its pain on the American terrain has further influenced its ability to remain sane. Become sane? Move further away from the insanity of a society that denies its humanity. 


Its relationship with itself is managed by another. This depraved entity turns it into the “other”. It becomes inferiorized by that which deems itself superior. Drafted into an existential war of contrition with the nature of its existence. 


Falling on the butt of “upright” swords on societies hegemonic floor. Attempts at the corporeal obliteration of its ontological core. 


The pretense it has been indoctrinated to hide behind diminishes its self concept, further denigrated in a society rife with moral contempt. Unable to uproot its identity from the society that denies its murderous intent. 


Given the history of the Back Being, there is a need to address the pain off of which society has been feeding. The healing that society has been denying that Black folk have been needing. Begging and Pleading. Kneeling and Bleeding. 


The keys to behold their own cathartic realizations, the achieved goal of accepting the gifts of their emotional reparations. To be the redeemed of an earth that denigrated and sullied its ontological, epistemological, and metaphysical conceptualization. 



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